
AdvaMed is an internationally known conference that gathers all professionals whose field of expertise is involving medicine technologies, blockchain technologies, and similar branches. We are talking about professionals who are interested and dedicated to the promotion of these branches and their mergers. Through numerous new innovative debates, discussions and panels this conference positioned itself all over the world as one of the first to move the boundaries of technological understanding and application of such technology and innovation. We want to empower our attendees and provide actionable advice such as reviews for exchanges like CoinSpot. Blockchain technology is not just something that exists only through cryptocurrency, it is a new way of thinking. This innovation expanded our global way of thinking and it has numerous practical application through other industries.
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Blockchain Technology in Practice
In the normal money transfer from one account to another, a process that involves the existence of several levels of processing the received information is initiated, where each link of the chain checks the validity of the data, which means it may take quite a long...
All There Is To Know About Blockchain
Blockchain far outstrips the technology on which crypto-based devices are based. A term that very few people understand, it can be increasingly seen not only in the tech media but also in the mainstream. Probably the main reason for this lies in the vigorous rise in...
Bitcoin and Blockchain: Magical Words We Don’t Know Much About
Often, we can hear words like Bitcoin and Blockchain, whose true meaning is insufficiently clear to us. Nevertheless, these "magical" words attract us primarily because there is the possibility of fast and big profit of Bitcoin trade. For Bitcoin, it is usually said...
The Main Innovation Of The Blockchain
The blockchain is undoubtedly a transformative technology of the 21st century that will redefine various aspects of the organization of society. It is not then strange why its application is currently not only explored by banks or technology companies, but by all...
Practical Use Of The Blockchain In Patient Care
Given that we expect the next move in health to represent the acquisition of digital technologies - either to improve the patient's condition, or to improve the efficiency of health care tasks - it is important that we focus the current challenges on the exchange and...
The Medical Use Of Blockchain Technology
Data blocking technology, better-known as blockchain, has the potential to generate radical health care changes where the patient is in the first place. This technology enhances the safety and interoperability of health data and sets up a new model for the exchange of...
There Is A Revolution That Will Free Us From Censorship
This year, police in Italy carried out an attack on a house and a laboratory of a married couple who are in the same time scientists. Police confiscated all digital equipment owned by these nano pathologists. They took computers, laptops, and disks, and they also took...
The Future is Here
Many scientists, doctors and other people involved in the healthcare system see the great potential of blockchain technology in this field. Not only would it be desirable to pay with cryptocurrencies during a medical intervention, there are other things as well. If a...
Talkin ‘Bout A Revolution
The use of Blockchain technology is very wide, and with its help, many questions that may sound utopian can be answered. By using this technology, the bureaucratic apparatus could be drastically reduced. Transfer money without intermediaries, without limitation, in...